IBA books
"The other cities"
The books issued by the IBA Urban Redevelopment 2010 make up the series “The Other Cities“ and also appear in the “Bauhaus Edition”. The books may be bought at retailers or ordered online at the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation online shop.
The Catalogue
Less is Future. 19 Cities – 19 Themes.
Shrinking processes and population decline pose totally new challenges to urban development and design. In 2002 Saxony-Anhalt initiated the IBA Urban Redevelopment 2010 to identify innovative solutions and venture new experiments– also in continuation of Bauhaus Dessau design traditions. 19 towns and cities, under the umbrella of the IBA Urban Redevelopment 2010, implemented in the last eight years more than 100 innovative projects with exemplary approaches to designing shrinking cities. The outcomes of the IBA Urban Redevelopment 2010 have now been published in the English edition of the catalogue ‘Less is Future’.
IBA Book 9: Potentials
February 2009
The volume “Potentials” in the series “The Other Cities” delivers a first outlook on the issue of sustainable perspectives: How can the stimuli generated by the International Building Exhibition be pursued? It introduces a spectrum of options, which range from new perspectives on the city and landscape to spatial planning, potentials in education and inter-religiousness.
IBA Book 8: City and Migration
January 2009
Volume 8 in the series "The other cities“ focuses on the issue city and migration.
IBA Book 7: Interventions
March 2008 // out of print
Volume 7 of the series “The other cities – IBA Urban Redevelopment 2010” is dedicated to examples of cultural and artistic approaches