After the End of the Fossil Energy Era.

Szenario Climate Change. Anne Schmidt and Philipp Oswalt

Whilst the actual impact of climate change will probably be comparatively mild in Saxony-Anhalt, climate protection and the transition into the post-fossil era requires radical steps. Standard settlement models and everyday patterns of how we live, currently based on the premise of abundant supplies of fossil fuels, will have to alter radically as these resources become scarce and expensive. Energy-intensive activities will be restructured, reduced or altogether replaced.

Apart from massive cuts in energy consumption, the generation of renewables from solar, wind, water, geothermal and biofuel sources will gain vital importance. Conditions for Saxony-Anhalt’s taking a lead in the transition towards a post-fossil world are good. Renewable energy already makes up 35 Percent of the State's net electric power generation. Furthermore, numerous important manufacturers and research institutions from the renewable energy sector are already established here.


Conditions for Saxony-Anhalt’s taking a lead in the transition towards a post-fossil world are good.